Thursday, June 17, 2010

Taking it to a new verticle level.

Since my next big trip won't be until the fall I had to fill my sense of adventure somehow. One that wouldn't take me miles and miles away from home. My newest escapade doesn't even require a backpack; instead I will be equiping myself with a harness, rope, a few clips, special shoes etc.

Want a hint? It's two words begining with an "R" and ending with a "G". That's right. Rock climbing; indoor rock climbing to be exact. I've signed up for a ten-week program to learn how to rock climb.

Today was my first day. My fear almost had me back out of it. I drove through the parking lot three times before even parking my car. Let alone even walk through the door. I felt a little intimidated by all these little sporty cars equiped with bike racks and and mountain bikes. Thought perhaps I was out of my league. But when I walked in and found the class I realised besides the few that had a bit of experience rock climing I wasn't the only one that was scared. After going over a few basics I found myself in a harness begining to scale the wall.

My first attempt wasn't too successful. I made it half way up the wall until I found my hands so sweaty and I wasn't even able to think of how to put the chalk on my hands to get a grip. The second venture up a wall was a little bit easier with easier grips was a little more successful and I made it all the way up.

Now I'll have to see how the next class goes. At the moment with just one class under my belt, I can completely understand why it is considered an addictive sport.

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