Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A hike in the Canadian Rockies.

Snow can be seen even during the summer months depending where you are

Some of the hiking trails are posted with signs allowing for the adventurer to continue at a pace that they are comfortable.

On this particular trail, this is what "more difficult" looks like at the beggining.

But don't worry, sometimes along the way there are resting spots where you can sit; enjoy the view, take in the silence and the nature around you.

But be warned, sometimes there are some steep areas so be sure to watch your step.

A little physical work lets you enjoy breathtaking sights like this one.

Along the way, there is even some nice little springs to be found.

Sometimes, even larger springs.

The sound of these bubbling rocks are more amazing then a recorded version.

A natural wonder.

These make shift stairs, helped a lot to climb that steep slope.

Even in the middle of a mountain a person can find the strangest things.

A little oasis found on the end of this trail before it was time to turn around.

The water was clear, blue and cold to touch.

1 comment:

  1. Wish I could have joined you! The beautiful blue water looks cold! Glad you are continuing your adventures.
