Thursday, February 25, 2010

And thus the M&N part of the adventure begins

I have arrived in Athens. I landed after Midnight with not much sleep to be had in the past 24 hours so we came to the hotel for sleep, only problem I had the hardest time sleeping.

On the way to the Hotel I did learn something. How NOT to hire a cab. This process cost almost double then what it should have... but now I know... always carry smaller bills. How was I suppose to know, I come from the land of debit cards...

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Sorry; the knitting needles just didn't fit.

Technically, I have one more sleep left before I leave and I think I'm finally finished packing.

There is no room for me to bring a knitting project. It was suggested that I should bring some knitting with me. When I asked why, the reasoning was keep the weird men away as the knitting would age me. Unfortunately, there just wasn't any room for a project.

So instead, I promise that I will buy some wool and knitting needles as soon as the weird men start to hang around :)

Sunday, February 21, 2010

…Anticipation has begun to stir…

Ask me yesterday, the upcoming trip seemed a little surreal. But I woke up today with the realization that I’m leaving in just four days.

I’m not going to lie; most wouldn’t consider me being even close to being prepared. I’ve somewhat procrastinated packing relying on some list I’ve made in my head of everything that I should bring, knowing that there are a few items I still need to get before leaving.

So now with just a few more days to go, I figure I should probably get to action. Put that list that’s in my head on paper and start putting things aside making sure that there’s at least room in the backpack for everything. Otherwise, I may just be on another continent with something essential forgotten.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

One of my favourite things; should it be left behind?

The 14-day countdown is on.

If you're here then most likely already know that I'm planning to go to Greece (and area) and will be away from home for about a month. My flight is booked, backpack borrowed, what next?

Since the day is drawing near, I've begun putting things aside for the trip (normal thing to do). I went and bought instant coffee to bring with me (not so normal thing to do).

Although I don't drink instant coffee on a normal day, I do greatly enjoy my cups of coffee and my research shows that a cup of coffee is very very expensive and I'm on a backpacker's budget. I just don't think I'm prepared to go without my morning cup of java.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Guess this is "Hello"

I'm a late bloomer of blogging. So it wasn't much to my surprise that all the first names I would have put to this blog had been taken.

Brainstorming began. I started to write down and look up words. My vote of "Footloose" and "Adventure" were on the top of the list. So they now share the spot, mainly because I liked what Webster had to say about the two...

Footloose (adjective): having no ties: free to move about

Adventure(noun): an exciting or noteworthy event that one experiences firsthand