Monday, February 8, 2010

Guess this is "Hello"

I'm a late bloomer of blogging. So it wasn't much to my surprise that all the first names I would have put to this blog had been taken.

Brainstorming began. I started to write down and look up words. My vote of "Footloose" and "Adventure" were on the top of the list. So they now share the spot, mainly because I liked what Webster had to say about the two...

Footloose (adjective): having no ties: free to move about

Adventure(noun): an exciting or noteworthy event that one experiences firsthand


  1. I like the spot ; ) As a quarter time share adventurer I hope I'll be able to help contribute!

  2. Thanks, thought it was the best way to keep everyone aware of where abouts and happenings.

    I'm sure with our adventures we'll have tonnes to add to this blog :)
