Friday, February 25, 2011

The super powers of a super pack...

In the spirit of my countdown, I’d like to announce that I have six more sleeps before it’s time to embark on my new epic adventure. 

The most super-powered item that I bring with me is my backpack. It's not fancy; nor is it eye pleasing to most. In fact, it's pretty basic. The best part of the backpack is all the different compartments it has (especially handy for this trip).

Since I will be over 13,600kms away from home (seperated by an ocean), I'm trying to ensure that I bring all the items I need. Travelling with one backpack is a challenge because it means bringing only the most essential items. So I gathered my “pile of stuff to bring” that I have been compilling for awhile now and I placed them in the backpack for a “dry-pack”.

Thank goodness for the dry-pack, because afterwards I looked in my bag I realised there are a  few critical items missing like:
  • suntan lotion
  • bathing suit
  • towel 
  • toothbrush 
  • toothpaste  
  • rain coat
  • socks
  • meds (pepto, motrin, anti-hesitamines, anti-malaria etc)
  • etc...
Good thing the backpack has the superpower of having more room. I’ll have to try another dry-run over the weekend.  

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The hands free flash light alternative.

The countdown for departure has officially entered single digits. Just 9-days to go.

Still not packed. I think I will do a drypack over the weekend. A drypack is kind of like a dry run as it gives a chance to see what fits in the one backpack. It gives the opportunity to do cut-backs or add-ins.

One item being squeezed in for certain, is my head lamp. If you are scratching your head questioning "head lamp?", well it's my opinion that it's far better than a regular flash light. It takes up less space and it's just as easy to use.

FACT:  I've decided that if my head lamp had it's own skit, show or comic strip, superhero brand etc..  it's tag line would be...

"Green headband by day; letting people see hands free by night".(It would also totally have a hollywood scandal with a Bluetooth hands free device).

Although I may feel and look like "The Gofer" from Winnie The Pooh when Iwear it, there's no denying that it has it's own superpowers. Aside from the awesomeness of being green, the headlamp has the following benefits:

• shows me the way to outhouses in the dark (without worrying about a shaky fearful hand);
• allows me to read if it's "lights out" and I'm just not tired yet;
• lets me search through my bag with both hands on those days I need to get ready in the dark;
• free my hands if ever I need to change a flat tire in the dark.

The possibilities are endless when you travel with a headlamp!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

May "The Force" be with me

Let’s walk down the cinematic memory lane...

REMEMBER:  the scene in Star Wars, when young Skywalker is learning about the “force” and has begun his Jedi training? Or, the movie Jumanji and that scene with those huge flies buzzing around and attacking?

Lately, I’ve been having these daydreams that I’m a female version of Skywalker dressed up in an Indiana Jones “get-up” fighting off Jumanji sized mosquitoes. I think this daydream may stem from a group of people that keep telling me of all the bugs I will encounter on my up comming trip.

I’m not too scared of bugs. In fact, when I was in kindergarten I remember sitting in the dirt playing with daddy long legs. I probably even ate a few.  I will admit, however, that I hate mice. Therefore, I’m not sure how I will react if I did see an overgrown mosquito the size of a mouse flying towards me.

I must be prepared.                                                                                           

How will I fight off the epically Jumanji sized bugs?

With the force called BUG SPRAY!

In fact, my pores will probably be so seeped and steeped with DEET you may just be asking for the name of my new perfume when I get back.

Now the question is: should I get a sticker and write “The Force” on my bug spray can?

Another thought: 
Maybe the Star Wars franchise will branch out in offering this new Eau de Toilette  "The Force" aroma and I can be their spokesperson in a bohemian looking outfit using the bottle as a lightsaber...

Friday, February 18, 2011

I don't want to be Mosquito Chocolate...

Bug net in the land of Green Sky
Only 14 days to go before lift off. Soon I will be beginning the journey of my next travel adventure. Am I packed yet? In a simple one word response, I will say : "No".

I've been reading alot about the items I should bring (by reading I mean skimming). One of the items on the top of every list has been Mosquito Net. So I put it on the top of my list and I got one because I don't feel like becoming mosquito chocolate while I am sleeping.

Now that it's out of the box and in my pile of things to bring (along with my traveling underpants) I'm a little worried. You see, as I was shopping for my Mosquito Net I was subconciously looking for something that would resemble the outdoors. All the boxes had images of a green background. Does that mean these people use bug nets where there is a green sky? Do they have bigger bugs in this land of green sky? Where is the land of green sky and why don't they have a Lonely Planet book about the land of green sky? Can I one day visit the land of green sky?

Enough of me questioning the land of green sky. My only hope is that the Mosquito Net depicting the land of green sky will avert the mosquitos from thinking I am their white chocolate..

So this Mosquito Net has come with a bonus. It came with a nice little bag to store the Mosquito Net when it's not in use. I say: "that's awesome". On the side of the box are instructions of how to place the mosquito net up. But there's nothing to tell you how to place it back into the bag... I see this as becoming an epic episode of trying to roll  an air mattress to fit it back into the original box...

An episode I will wait to premier when I get there...stay tuned!

Monday, February 14, 2011

My travelling underpants...

How the packing starts....

Just 18 days left before I leave on my next adventure over the ocean. I have to admit that even though that's over two weeks, I’ve begun the process of packing. By process; I mean,  making a list and placing the things I may need in a pile.

As any travelling list, underwear has made the cut. My last adventure to Europe has taught me that hand washing cotton underwear isn’t the greatest option when you are living out of a backpack.

Reason: They don’t dry fast and usually not over night and then they start to stink.

Since I don't exactly feel like going commando for a couple of weeks and I don’t feel like wearing wet underpants I decided to solve this problem by a quick trip to the city to buy additional traveling underpants. 

Now please don’t confuse travelling underwear and the travelling pants (made famous by a movie). If you didn’t watch the chick flick “The Travelling Pants”, It's a movie about a group of best friends that share a pair of special pants.

What do the travelling pants and travelling underpants have in common? Travelling underpants are  also special. (I guess this is where I should make it clear that I will not be sharing my underpants with anyone and they will be only worn by me).

In fact they are so special they have superpowers:
  • Quick drying
  • Wicking
  • Light weight
  • Odour resistant
  • Breathable
  • Anti-insect
They also claim that you can travel to 17 countries with just 2 pairs in 6 weeks...

I have to admit I feel like my underpants are bragging with everything they can do because they had me at Quick Drying...

Now to gather the remaining of the superpower stuff that's around my house somewhere....