Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The hands free flash light alternative.

The countdown for departure has officially entered single digits. Just 9-days to go.

Still not packed. I think I will do a drypack over the weekend. A drypack is kind of like a dry run as it gives a chance to see what fits in the one backpack. It gives the opportunity to do cut-backs or add-ins.

One item being squeezed in for certain, is my head lamp. If you are scratching your head questioning "head lamp?", well it's my opinion that it's far better than a regular flash light. It takes up less space and it's just as easy to use.

FACT:  I've decided that if my head lamp had it's own skit, show or comic strip, superhero brand etc..  it's tag line would be...

"Green headband by day; letting people see hands free by night".(It would also totally have a hollywood scandal with a Bluetooth hands free device).

Although I may feel and look like "The Gofer" from Winnie The Pooh when Iwear it, there's no denying that it has it's own superpowers. Aside from the awesomeness of being green, the headlamp has the following benefits:

• shows me the way to outhouses in the dark (without worrying about a shaky fearful hand);
• allows me to read if it's "lights out" and I'm just not tired yet;
• lets me search through my bag with both hands on those days I need to get ready in the dark;
• free my hands if ever I need to change a flat tire in the dark.

The possibilities are endless when you travel with a headlamp!


  1. Nothing beats a headlamp! Here's another benefit--knitting in the dark :)

    Happy packing!

  2. Oh! I could make some toques while I'm there!
