Friday, February 25, 2011

The super powers of a super pack...

In the spirit of my countdown, I’d like to announce that I have six more sleeps before it’s time to embark on my new epic adventure. 

The most super-powered item that I bring with me is my backpack. It's not fancy; nor is it eye pleasing to most. In fact, it's pretty basic. The best part of the backpack is all the different compartments it has (especially handy for this trip).

Since I will be over 13,600kms away from home (seperated by an ocean), I'm trying to ensure that I bring all the items I need. Travelling with one backpack is a challenge because it means bringing only the most essential items. So I gathered my “pile of stuff to bring” that I have been compilling for awhile now and I placed them in the backpack for a “dry-pack”.

Thank goodness for the dry-pack, because afterwards I looked in my bag I realised there are a  few critical items missing like:
  • suntan lotion
  • bathing suit
  • towel 
  • toothbrush 
  • toothpaste  
  • rain coat
  • socks
  • meds (pepto, motrin, anti-hesitamines, anti-malaria etc)
  • etc...
Good thing the backpack has the superpower of having more room. I’ll have to try another dry-run over the weekend.  


  1. U got your travelling panties tucked in there?

  2. The white, anti-insect, wafer like-textured, wedgie proof, dry wicking, travelling granny panties were not forgoten in the dry-pack...
