Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Capturing memories on a waterproof accessory

The countdown is on:  two more sleeps. I’m getting a little anxious and I predict that I will only be sleeping one of those two nights. 

Before I leave on my backpacking adventure in East Africa, let me make the introduction to the most high-tech item I will be bringing with me (it has even survived a fall in the Aegean Sea):

“World, this is Camera”

“Camera, this is world”

Don't be fooled by size. Camera isn't all that much too look at, but camera and I have a history. Camera and I were united last year (around this time) after Camera became an outcaste for being the wrong of shade of purple.  As an “experienced” display model, Camera just couldn’t keep up to the sales of the new, younger, brighter, edgier pixeled modern Cameras.

Fate brought us together.

Our friendship grew as we travelled together from place to a place. We went by plane, bus, boat, car and foot. We documented our journeys in photographic means through Camera’s eye. Memories were captured to remember forever...

As our friendship continues, we decided that it was time to load up on even more camera memory in preparation of our new photo essay. Together we will capture wonderful people, beautiful landscape and maybe some animals that I’ve only ever seen on screen or in the zoo. 

Camera and I hope share some fabulous photos with you all soon...

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