Thursday, March 17, 2011

Learning Swahilli...

Kenya and Tanzania speak Swahilli.

When I got here I was surprisied to see that Pop Culture has taught me a few words that has helped me get by. In fact, I'm pretty sure that a lot of you may be surprised that you already know a little bit. So let me share with you what I've learned so far.

Shakira taught the world how to great each other in Swahilli for the World Cup song WakaWaka.

"Jambo" is a word mentioned a few times in the song and is "a greating. Kind of like hello".

I'd also like to point out that Disney doesn't just make great cartoons, they've also taught most of us a bit of Swahilli.

"Simba" means "lion"
"Pumba" means "warthog"
"Rafikki" means "friends"
"Hakuna Matata" means "No Problem"

Other useful phrases I've learned:

"Asuntae (sana)" means "thank you (very much)".
"Sa va, Sa va" means "lets go, lets go".
"Pole Pole" means "slow slow".
"Habari Gani" means "How are you?"--- (I think this is different between countries, here in Tanzania you can say Habari)
"Karibou" means "welcome or you're welcome"
"Si Hitaji" - means "I don't need it"
"Si Na" means "I don't have"
"(Tuna) Tembea" means "(we) I will walk"


  1. Bet Mzungu has come up a few times.

  2. Dear Anonymous=Ryan R: I may have to consider you psychic as Mzungu has come up a alot.
