Thursday, March 17, 2011

Living it up the Zanzibarian way...

This Island is breaking the record for the amount of nights staying here. My travel partner has decided to do their scuba diving PADI certification (I've opted out) So instead, I will be exploring the island by myself for the next few days. I'm super excited.

The island is in the Indian ocean and is intermingled with many people of Christian and Muslim faith. The hotel I'm staying at feels like luxury with A/C in the room. The staff is great and they offer the best breakfast ever.

Who could refuse fresh cut Pinapple?

This morning Warren (the other fellow Canadian I met here) and I had planned to go do some souvernir shopping. Thus is the time for the art of negociation. Our excursion didn't entirely get kicked off to the right start. I walked into an air conditioner and gashed my head (it's not a trip until I get injured). Luckily it's in my hairline and shouldn't create too much of a scar.

Good thing I already have my Tetnus shot! So I cleaned it up with bottled water (no brains were showing so I don't think I need stitches) and began to wander market with my new found Canadian friend.

We found that buying in "bulk" gives us a discount. Most of the time the "asking price" was cut in half right off the bat. From there it's hard to say where it will go and what the final price will be. So we shopped for a while then ate some lunch and we bid our "goodbyes" as he took his ferry into the mainland and I walked back to the hotel to think about what kinds of adventures I will get up too next...

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