Tuesday, February 22, 2011

May "The Force" be with me

Let’s walk down the cinematic memory lane...

REMEMBER:  the scene in Star Wars, when young Skywalker is learning about the “force” and has begun his Jedi training? Or, the movie Jumanji and that scene with those huge flies buzzing around and attacking?

Lately, I’ve been having these daydreams that I’m a female version of Skywalker dressed up in an Indiana Jones “get-up” fighting off Jumanji sized mosquitoes. I think this daydream may stem from a group of people that keep telling me of all the bugs I will encounter on my up comming trip.

I’m not too scared of bugs. In fact, when I was in kindergarten I remember sitting in the dirt playing with daddy long legs. I probably even ate a few.  I will admit, however, that I hate mice. Therefore, I’m not sure how I will react if I did see an overgrown mosquito the size of a mouse flying towards me.

I must be prepared.                                                                                           

How will I fight off the epically Jumanji sized bugs?

With the force called BUG SPRAY!

In fact, my pores will probably be so seeped and steeped with DEET you may just be asking for the name of my new perfume when I get back.

Now the question is: should I get a sticker and write “The Force” on my bug spray can?

Another thought: 
Maybe the Star Wars franchise will branch out in offering this new Eau de Toilette  "The Force" aroma and I can be their spokesperson in a bohemian looking outfit using the bottle as a lightsaber...


  1. You could probably sell the cologne better if you were riding a TonTon.... In bohemian gear of course.

  2. Bahaha, I had to look up TonTon... what a funny image in my head do I have now! lol
