Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Hanging out in Bulgaria

Day 19 - March 16
Where was I - Sofia (Bulgaria)-Plovdiv (Bulgaria)
Lesson Learned - People everywhere are simply amazing and interesting.

Last night I went to bed at 9p.m.... i was so exhausted I didn't even hear the other two people that came into the domitory. I was also the last one to wake up but I made my way downstairs to the breakfast where I met a few other hostellers. One of which was an older gentleman from France. He had come to Sofia to visit but didn't know any English so since there was a language I was more then happy to help him explain to the hostel staff that he wanted a private room. Afterwards, I made my way to the bus station to catch my bus to Plovdiv.

I got to Plovdiv and got lost. Here there was alot less people that were able to speak english then in Sofia. It was trial and error as the map I had wasn't the best. Many people were sending me to the wrong direction... so it took me about two hours to finally give up and hire a cab to the old city. I wasn't even that far. It was only 2 Leva (Bulgarian Dollars). From there I had to walk about 15 minutes to the hostel. My Hostel was in the old city where cars are not allowed to drive.

Once I dropped of the back pack I was free to explore and book  my bus for Alexandropolis.

I arrived at the hostel at dark after my exploring. I met a fellow hosteller who was also from France. He was a couple of weeks in on backpacking around the world. Very interesting stories and I'm sure he will have many more.You can check him out at

The hostel worker was also interesting and very sweet. She had a didgeridoo (Australian Horn) and she told of an amazing story. I guess a bulgarian had made it, it didn't belong to anyone, instead it is passed from person to person who wanted to learn how to play it. I guess a new trend on the underground music scene. Simply incredible!

So then before bed I checked my email, and that's when I found out that my flight has been cancelled since the company I'm booked with is going on Strike... so now my travels to athens will be expedited in hopes of perhaps getting a flight home sooner... cross your fingers folks... otherwise I don't know when I can get home...

Tomorrow I'm off to Alexandropolis. There is no hostel there that I was able to find so I'm staying at a hotel...

1 comment:

  1. Very cool that your bilingual-ness helped you help someone else!
